I spent ages writing a post about some tricks I use to do quick analysis of data but it got incredibly bloated and started waffling about work flows and so on. Anyway, I woke up from that nightmare so I thought I’d just bash out a couple of my top tips.
This is a pretty nerdy post, you may want to back away slowly.
Pipes are, in my opinion, why the command line will reign for many years
to come. Using the pipe I can quickly process my data by passing it
between different programmes gradually refining it as it goes. Here’s an
example that makes a histogram (from a Bash terminal):
> cat myfile.data | awk 'NR>100 {print $5}' | histogram | xmgrace -pipe
The first command prints the data file. The |
is the pipe, this
redirects the output to the next programme,
Awk, which here we are simply
using to pick out the 5th column for all rows over 100 and print the
result. Our pruned data is piped down the line to a programme I made
called histogram which does the histogram and outputs the final result
to my favourite plotting programme to have a look at it.
So we’ve used three programmes with a single “one liner” (some of my one-liners become ginormous). Once you start getting the hang of this sort of daisy chaining it can speed things up incredibly. One bit that took me a while the first time was the histogram programme. This took an annoying amount of time to set up because I used C.
This is where Python now comes in.
I won’t even try to give a Python tutorial. I’m a decade late to the party and have barely scratched the surface. However, I’ve found that for relatively little effort you can get access to thousands of functions, libraries and even graphics. Most importantly you can quickly write a programme, pipe in some data, and do sophisticated analysis on it.
With the scipy and numpy libraries I’ve done root-finding and integration. The pylab module seems to provide many of the functions you’d get in MatLab. Python is a bit of a missing link for me, it’s much lighter than huge programmes like Mathematica or MatLab and I just get things done quickly. Here’s that histogram programme, Python style.
#! /usr/bin/env python
import sys
import pylab
import numpy
# Check the inputs from the command line
if len(sys.argv)!=3:
print "Must provide file name and number of bins"
# Read in the data file
f = open(sys.argv[1],'r')
for line in f.readlines():
histo.append(map(float, line.split()))
dimension = len(histo[0])
if dimension == 1:
pylab.hist(histo, bins=int(sys.argv[2]))
elif dimension == 2:
# Need to chop up the histo list into two 1D lists
for val in histo:
# This function is apparently straight out of MatLab
# I killed most of the options
pylab.hexbin(x, y, gridsize = int(sys.argv[2]))
Which conveniently detects how many dimensions we’re histogramming in so you don’t need two programmes. This is pretty short for a programme that does what it does.
I hate wasting my time trying to do something that my brain imagined hours ago. I wouldn’t say that these techniques are super easy, but once you’ve learned the tools they are quick to reuse. I’d say they’re as important to my work now as knowing C. Got any good tricks? Leave a comment.
Something less nerdy next week I promise.